table of contents

Provide an Alias for Work Requests

Some Owner/Users want to use different terminology for the Work Requests, for example they would like to use “Repairs” instead of Work Requests.

In these cases, you can provide an Alias to be shown in the Wall Chart vs. the default “Work Request”. This can be performed in the Administrator Turnaround Settings.

Navigate the below steps to add the new user to the Owner/User.

Select the Administrator Tile

Select the Turnaround card

Select the Turnaround you want to supply the Alias for

On the Background tab, provide an Alias in the “Work Request Alias” field.

Note: This field is required when adding a Turnaround

Stages of a Work Request

There are four pre-defined stages to manage the Work Request, they are In-Progress, Completed, Deferred, and Rejected.

Based on these stages, the Wall Chart and KPI’s will provide a Red, Yellow, and Green color to assist in a visual indication to denote the stage of the Work Request. These colors are:

  1. RED - No stage defined, where a user has defined a Work Request, but no stage has been set.

  2. YELLOW - Work Request has been set to In-Progress

  3. GREEN - Work Request has been set to Completed, Deferred, or Rejected.

An example of how this reflects on the Wall Chart and KPI’s are shown below.

Setting up default Work Requests

Default work requests categories can be pre-defined in the Turnaround Picklist settings. This allows for a list of Work Request types to be shown in a list when creating Work Requests.

These values are unique to the Turnaround.

NOTE: Though pre-defined Work Request Types can be defined, this will not prevent the user from creating Work Request Types that are not pre-defined.

To create or modify the Work Request Types navigate to Administrator -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround you want to define Work Request Types on -> Select the Picklist tab.

You can add, modify, or delete the Work Request Types in the below field.

Creating a Work Request

Work Requests can be created against an Activity. There is only one mechanism to create a Work Request, from the Inspector tile.

To create or modify a Work Request navigate to Inspector Tile -> Select the Turnaround you want to create or update the Work Request against -> follow the below navigation.

Select the Inspector Tile

Select the Turnaround you want to provide a Work Request on

By default, any activities assigned to you will be displayed

You can see all activities by selecting “All Activities” from the upper left dropdown

Select the chevron on the right associated with the activity you want to create the Work Request on

Click the upper right “+” symbol to create a new Work Request

Provide the Work Request Number, Type, and Date of Work Request

The work request is created and can further be edited

Creating a Work Request from the Wall Chart

Users can also create a Work Request directly from the Wall Chart vs. having to navigate to the Inspector tile from the home screen.

To create a Work Request from the Wall Chart:

  1. Tap the Activity to record the Work Request

  2. Tap the “+” button at the bottom of the form

  3. The Work Request form will appear

  4. Enter the details of the Work Request and tap “Create”

Viewing a Work Request on the Wall Chart

If there is a Work Request recorded against an Activity, it will be shown on the Wall Chart with the color scheme defined in Stages of Work Requests.

Additionally, you can select the Work Request on the Wall Chart to view or edit the Work Request.

Navigate the below steps to interact with the Work Request from the Wall Chart.

Click the Work Request from the Wall Chart

Once the Work Request is selected, it will take you to the Work Request details for editing

Data analysis of Work Requests with the Heat Map

A Heat Map of the Work Requests created during the Turnaround can be found on the Wall Chart. This gives the user a visual of the Types of Work Requests that are being generated with the most frequency.

While clicking on the Heat Map tile, it will filter the results based on the selection. Additionally, you can navigate to the details of the Work Request by selecting the Work Request in the table below the Heat Map.

Select the “WR” tab on the Wall chart

NOTE: This may be named something else in the Turnaround settings.

The Heat Map is shown of the Work Requests recorded on the Turnaround

1) By selecting the tile on the Heat Map, it will filter the table of results below.

2) The user can also select the Work Request for a detail view and editing.

Once selected from the bottom table, you can update or view the Work Request

Data analysis of Work Requests with KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators)

Analytics, or Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), are available for the Work Requests. They are accessed in the “Status” tab of the Wall Chart.

There are two graphs to help with analytics, they are “Scope Growth” and “Work Requests”

“Scope Growth” shows the Overall number of Work Requests, compared the Activities, displayed in a percentage for 1) the entire data set (shown below in top bar of .128%) and 2) broken down by asset category.

Scope Growth

Work Requests Types are broken down by number in the type, but also in the Red, Green, and Yellow status.

Work Request Types broken down by Type