table of contents
December 15, 2022 - Version 3 of Digital Wall chart
October 12, 2021 - Bug fixes
Manager Only Roles in Turnaround is Erroring at API level causing everyone to be set to Read/Write Admin status. This was corrected, users can not be set to read-only with no issue.
August 15, 2021 - New Platform and Known issues
The solution will now be hosted on Amazon Web Services, no impact to the user, just a different URL to log into. All of your data will also be migrated.
The Digital Wall chart is now integrated with the AsInt and SAP IAM (Intelligent Asset Management) Launch Pad. Showing the other AsInt and SAP IAM Apps are not enabled by default therefore the user experience will not change.
Bug fixed - When exporting the data to MS Excel for Activities, Equipment, or Scope, any date values are exported in a text value. This causes an issue when bulk importing the data back end, the user receives an error this is not a valid date or date is missing.
Bug Fixed - The Equipment Area is not a required field when defining a piece of Equipment either via the Administrator -> Equipment App, or via the Bulk Import utility. However, when adding an Equipment to the Turnaround there is logic checking the Area to see if the Equipment/Area combination was already added. If the Area is Null, or Empty, the code fails and does not present the user with a list of Equipment to choose from.
Bug Fixed - When adding an IWR activity from the wall chart Activity pop up, after tapping save you get the three dots hour glass. No data is lost.
Bug Fixed - When importing from MS Excel Equipment data, if the Equipment Name is all numeric values, the import process states is must me of type string.
Bug Fixed - The Equipment Category Completeness graph shows any activities added after the Turnaround Start Date as “Remaining”. This is a code bug.
February 3, 2021 - Enhancements
Shows initials on Wall Chart if the Activity was marked as “In-Progress”
Shows the Date Completed on Wall Chart of “mm/dd” instead of “dd/mm”
In addition to the Description of the Activity, users can now add Comments.
March 2, 2020 - Enhancements
March 2, 2020 - Bug Fixes
Discovery, Tagging, Feature
When defining or updating activities. Users can now define “Tags” to filter the wall chart data on. Use this feature to define a group of activities for “Discovery”, or “Maintenance”, or “QC” for example.
(tap to enlarge image)
In the Adminstrator detailed activity form, you can see in this image where multiple tags have been defined.
(tap to enlarge image)
You can also bulk load the tags via the MS Excel workbook. You can separate the tags with a comma of there are more that one to load.
(tap to enlarge image)
Once tags are defined, you can filter for the tags and only display the activities associated with the tag you are querying for. For example, “show me everything that is marked as “Discovery””. The KPI’s, or status tab, also filters.
Document & Image Storage
Using this feature user can add Documents or Images for the activities or work requests.
When the user adds the Document or Image to the Activity or Work Request, the document will show on the “attachments” tab of the wall chart.
(tap to enlarge image)
The attachments can be searched, downloaded, and viewed against the Activity or Work Request.
Adjust Activity Screen to be able to turn on/off all activities on that screen
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In Administrator App, users can now Activate or Deactivate one or all activities associated with the equipment.
Clarity on T/A Naming VS Description During Creation
(tap to enlarge image)
Will now show the Owner/User ID, as well as the Owner/User description.
(tap to enlarge image)
Additionally, on the upload sheet the user will now see “Owner/User” instead of “Operator”. This is th key value that allows the user to assign the Equipment to an Owner/User.
Enhanced KPI, or Status, / Dash boarding Capabilities
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By default, the KPI categories are collapsed. Users can expand on with the upper right buttons.
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A new KPI that shows the number of activities completed by user.
(tap to enlarge image)
Scope vs Status shows the count of equipment per equipment category, as well as the number of activities complete, in-progress, and number of work requests. Users can modify the graph by removing aggregations, adding aggregations, and filtering by tag.
(tap to enlarge image)
Planned vs Actual will plot an estimated number of activities spread out over the length of the turnaround, this is the blue line. The orange line is the actual aggregated activities complete. This is the traditional project S-Curve.
Warning Message when navigating off a page with unsaved data
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Within the Administrator tile, now when the user changes data and attempts to move off of the form without saving, the user will be prompted to save or cancel.
Sort IWR Headers
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(tap to enlarge image)
When viewing the Work Requests dedicated tab on the wall chart, the user can Sort By, Filter By, and Group By the “IR” (Work Request) list.
Add a Work Request directly from Wall Chat
Previously, the end user had to navigate from the Inspector tile, navigate to the activity, and further create a Work Request. With this feature, they can be created directly from the Wall Chart by tapping the Activity on the Wall Chart -> Activity Pop Up -> Tap “+” on the bottom.
The below image shows how to access the Work Request creation from the Activity Pop Up.
Edit the Activity Description in the Wall Chart
Previously, the ability edit the Description of the Activity was only available in the Administrator - > Turnaround -> Select Turnaround -> Equipment In Scope -> Equipment Details. With this new feature, the Activity Description can be can be edited from the Digital Wall Chart.
Access this feature by tapping the Activity on the Wall Chart -> Activity Pop Up -> Edit the Description.
The below image shows how to access and edit the Description.
Bulk Delete Activites
Previously, it was very time consuming to delete Activities in bulk. Users had to navigate to Administrator - > Turnaround -> Select Turnaround -> Equipment In Scope -> Equipment Details and delete the Activities one at a time.
This new feature allows the end user to delete the Activities for a given equipment. Please note if there are Work Request assigned to an Activity, they will have to be deleted first.
The below image shows how to bulk delete Activities per Equipment. navigate to Administrator - > Turnaround -> Select Turnaround -> Equipment In Scope -> Equipment Details
Scope Growth Tracking
Previously, the Scope Growth KPI only considers the number of Work Requests compared to the Equipment Count. The Scope Growth has now been enhanced to address:
Equipment added after the Start Date of the Turnaround.
Activities added after the Start Date of the Turnaround.
Work Requests added during the Turnaround.
Changes to the Application include:
Change the old Spider Diagram “Scope Growth” to “Activities compared to Work Requests”.
Changed the “Target Date” of the Equipment In Scope detail page to now be “Date Added”. If the “Date Added” is greater than the Turnaround Start Date, it will be included as Scope Growth per rule 1 above.
Added “Date Added” to the detailed Activity form. If the “Date Added” is greater than the Turnaround Start Date, it will be included as Scope Growth per rule 2 above.
Both new Date Added fields are now required.
The below image shows an example of the new KPI on the Status tab.
Turnaround List Default Sorting
When asking the end user to choose a Turnaround from a list, allowing the user to interact with the data, the list of turnarounds were not shown in a defined order.
This new feature will show all Turnarounds with the newest Start Date at the top, and the remainder in descending order. This ensure the latest Turnarounds the user has access to will will be displayed at the top of the list.
Note, the cog wheel icon in the upper right of the table can always be used to sort the data in a different order.
Activities and Equipment Scope bulk load Guidelines and Rules
The End User Documentation on bulk import rules have been updated with additional details on how updates and additions are treated when importing from the template. Find the new documentation here.
Help File and Spelling updates
Error Message when trying to delete an activity from Equipment In Scope
This was corrected, however it was a duplicate data issue. The correction was to update the data in the backend, no software changes were deployed.
Equipment could not have numeric Area identifiers
Previously, when bulk importing Equipment against an Owner/User the Area field could not be pure numeric values, such as “500”. Now, the user can import AlphaNumeric values.