Table of contents

Tabs across the top are based on the Asset Category

The tabs across the top of the Wall Chart and built dynamically based on the unique Asset Categories included in the scope of the Turnaround. The are shown in alphanumeric order from left to right.

At the end, or right side of the Wall Chart, three tabs of Status, Work Requests, and Timeline will be added.

Column order are based on picklist group order

Column headers are based on the “Component Groups” in the Turnaround Settings Picklist tab.

In the below example, “Readiness” is at the top of the Picklist over “Drum”, “Drum” is at a higher order that “RBI”, “RBI” is at a higher order than “Closure”, and “Closure” is at a higher order than “Report”.

The below is the matching example in the Turnaround Settings Picklists that matches the above column headers.

NOTE: If the below Picklist, if the “Component Group” does not apply the Asset Category, it will be skipped when creating the columns. For example, in the below Picklist there is “Exchanger” and “Shell” you do not see as part of the “Drum” above.

Closure Rules (green, yellow, red)