The three types of users

  1. Type 1 - A person who will need to login to the application. For this type of user, Step 1, 2, and 3 will need to be completed.

  2. Type 2 - A person who will just need to show up in the pick-lists for Activity Assignment and Closure, but will not need the ability to login. For this this type of user, Step 2 and 3 will need to be completed.

  3. Type 3 - A person can share the same SAP User ID Login. For this type of user, Step 1, 2, and 3 will need to be completed for the User with the SAP User ID. Only Step 2 and 3 will be needed for the the person who will share the SAP User ID.

    NOTE: For the shared login, since the application works off of the unique SAP User ID, the application will prompt you to designate who is using the system.

Process Overview for Adding Users

The below is a process overview of adding users to the application. Please note the below applies to Type 1 user above, the user who will have a login to the application.

NOTE: If it is a user that will not require a login (Type 2 defined above), the process will start at Step 2 in the below diagram.

Step 1 - Create your SAP ID for logging in

(If this step is complete, go to Step 2)

To onboard a user, the first step is to create a new SAP User ID. Navigate the following website and sign up for your SAP ID.

Once complete, provide the SAP ID and email address to the Turnaround Administrator for the Application and they will add you as a user to the Owner/User and Turnaround.

Sign up for your SAP ID by clicking this link.

NOTE 1: You will receive an email verification with the email you used from SAP. Ensure sure you verify the email before clicking the below link to get your SAP ID.

NOTE 2: Once your SAP ID is created, you can access the SAP User ID by clicking the below link.

Access your SAP Profile and SAP User ID here.

It is is 10 digit ID, that will start with a “P”, “S”, or “I”. Below is a sample of what it will look like.

Step 2 - Add the User to an Owner/User

(if this step is complete, go to Step 3)

The next step is to add the user, via their email, name, SAP User ID, and company to the Owner/User. NOTE: The user adding the new user will need access to the Owner/User.

Navigate the below steps to add the new user to the Owner/User.

Select the Administrator Tile

You will need to be a Admin to an Organization to see this tile.

Select the Owner/User

Select the Owner/User you want to add the user too

Click the “+” button

A pop up will appear to add the users email.

Fill in the reaming details

Fill in the First Name, Last Name, and Company and click “Save”.

NOTE: If this is not a user who will not login, the SAP User ID will not be filled in.

Navigate back to the Owner/User

Step 3 - Add the User to a Turnaround

The final step is to add the user to the specific Turnaround they need access too. NOTE: The user adding the new user will need access to the Turnaround.

Navigate the below steps to add the new user to the Turnaround.

Select the Administrator Tile

You will need to be a Admin to an Organization to see this tile.

Select the Turnaround Card

Select the Turnaround you want to add the user too

Select the User tab

Click the “+” button

A pop up will appear to show the users who have been assigned to the Owner/User.

NOTE: Step 2 will need to be completed first to see the user in the pick-list.

You will see the new user in the Users list

Setting up a Read-Only User

Now that the user has access to the Digital Wallchart App, you can setup Read-Only user or a User who can Read and Write data.

To set a User to Read-Only, set the “Manager” flag to “YES” and ensure the “Inspector” flag is set to “NO”. See sample in the below image.

To navigate to this screen, tap Administrator -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround -> Choose the “User” tab -> Select the User of interest.

If the User is a “Owner/User Admin” for the Organization, it will override the individual Turnaround User Settings of “Inspector” or “Manager”. Therefore, to ensure the user is Read-Only, ensure the “Owner/User Admin” is set to “NO” as shown in the below image.

To navigate to this screen, tap Administrator -> Owner/User -> Select the Turnaround -> Select the User of interest.

Please note, the three “Tiles” will still be visibile for the Read-Only user, but they will have different behaviors for a Read-Only user. See below image.

Setting up a Read-Write User

There are two mechanisms to allow the user to Read and Write to the data. They include:

A) User has “Owner/User Admin” set to “YES” in the Administrator -> Owner/User -> Select the Turnaround -> User. This will override the Read-Only aspect if the user is set to Read-Only at the individual Turnaround level, allowing the user to have Read-Write to all Turnaround events within the Organization.

B) User has “Inspector” set to “YES” in the Administrator -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround -> Choose the “User” tab -> Select the User of interest. This setting allows the individual user to have Read-Write access at the Turnaround event level.