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Setting an Alias for Work Requests

Some Owner/Users want to use different terminology for the Work Requests, for example they would like to use “Repairs” instead of Work Requests.

In these cases, you can provide an Alias to be shown in the Wall Chart vs. the default “Work Request”. This can be performed in the Administrator Turnaround Settings.

To take advantage of this feature, follow the steps here.

Pick-lists for Activities, Component Groups, and Work Requests

NOTE: Please do not use the “&” when creating pick-lists. This character will causing scripting display errors.

There are Pick-lists, or drop downs, within the application that can be configured. They include:

1. Activity Types - Are the tasks, such as inspections and activities, that are displayed on the Wall Chart for action (Complete, In-Progress, etc..). An example of where the Activities are used on the Wall Chart are highlighted in the red boxes below.

2. Component Groups - Are the Columns used to display the activities in vertical manner on the Wall Chart. An example of where the Component Groups are used on the Wall Chart are highlighted in the red oval below.

3. Work Request Types - Are used to record and categorize Work Requests against an activity. This is a default list, but it does not restrict the user from typing free text for the Work Request Type when adding them to the application. An example of where the Work Request types are used in the Wall Chart are shown below with red arrows pointing to them.

Adding Equipment to Scope of the Turnaround

Prior to define activities against the Equipment for the Wall Chart, the Equipment mist first be added as Scope within the Turnaround.

Start by navigating to Administrator Tile -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround you want to add Equipment Scope too. From there, navigate the below steps to add Equipment to scope of the Turnaround.

Select the Equipment In Scope tab

Click the “+” button to take you to the Equipment selection page

Select the Equipment you want to add to Scope. Once you have the Equipment, click “Save”

NOTE: You can use the cog wheel in the upper left to filter and sort for the Equipment you are looking for.

You will be prompted to Confirm the selection

The Equipment will now be shown in the Equipment In Scope tab

Setting up Activities per Equipment to show on Wall Chart

After the Equipment has been added to the Turnaround, the next step is to define the Activities to be definer per equipment.

Start by navigating to Administrator Tile -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround -> Select Equipment In Scope -> Select a piece of Equipment. From there, navigate the below steps to add an an Activity to the Equipment.

Tap the “+” button to add a new Activity

When creating the Activity, the below values are needed:

  1. Activity - Possible values pull from the Turnaround Pick-lists.

  2. Description - Free Text that is show on the Wall Chart Pop up when tapping the activity.

  3. Component - Possible values pull from the Turnaround Pick-lists. This value dictates the Column the Activity will be shown in on the Wall Chart.

  4. Assigned To - Possible assignment list is provided from the Turnaround Users. You can assign multiple users.

  5. Order - Free typing number value. This value dictates the order the Activity is shown in the “Component” column on the Wall Chart. If there is no value, it will shown in order of name of the activity.

  6. Date Added - Required field. If the Date Added field is before the Turnaround Start Date, it will be considered as a Planned Activity. If it is added after the Turnaround Start Date, it will be considered Unplanned. The unplanned activities will be shown as “Additional Scope” in the Status visualization Scope Growth Compare chart.

The only required fields are Activity and Description.