table of conents
URL to access user management within the SAP BTP
Users are managed within the SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform). The SAP BTP allows for user management and role management to a specific tenant.
To access the SAP BTP, use this URL
Two prerequisites:
The end user needs to be added as a SAP Cloud ID, or the user is configured with an LDAP such as Active Directory or O365.
To create a SAP ID, the user will need to use this URL. The user will need access to their email for verification after creating the user.
To reset the password or to see if the SAP ID exists, use this URL
The person performing the user management will need to have:
The following Roles assigned:
Subaccount Administrator
Steps to assign a user
(tap to enlarge)
1) Select the tenant to manage the user.
(tap to enlarge)
2) Select “Users” from the left side of the page.
(tap to enlarge)
3) Tap the “Create” button in the upper right of the page. Provide the:
User Name with First and Last Name or Email address
(tap to enlarge)
4) Assign the Roles by tapping the user and tapping “Assign Role Collection”. See “Roles to Assign” below.
Steps to remove a user
There are two choices to remove a user:
Remove the Roles from the user. They can still access the URL, but the user will not see any tiles.
Delete the Users from the “Users” section.
Roles to assign
Mechanical Integrity
Will have no restriction, will also override MI_READONLY and MI_USER if it is assigned.
Will also see all of the SAP Apps (Equipment, Locations, etc..)
Will see the Inspections and Asset Strategy Tiles, but will not be able to create or edit existing records.
Will also see all of the SAP Apps (Equipment, Locations, etc..)
Will only see the Inspections Tile, not the Asset Strategy. Can read and write inspections.
Will also see all of the SAP Apps (Equipment, Locations, etc..)
Wall Chart
Will see the Administrator, Inspector, and Manager Tile.
Can create Wall Charts and update Wall Charts via the Manager tile.
Will override the TAE_INSPECTOR and TAE_MANAGER if they are assigned.
Will see the Inspector Tile and Manager Tile.
Can read and write data in the Inspector and Manager Tile.
Will only see the Manager tile.
Can only read the data, not write.
Metrics App
End User App
Content Replicator
Allows the user to see the Content Replicator and execute a job.