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Purpose of a Group

The purpose of the Group is to share inspection data amongst one or more inspectors. This includes the ability to create, read, update, and delete the various aspects of the inspection record.

The inspection record includes the information recorded against the asset(s), location(s), inspection(s), and recommendation(s) stored against a Group.

Note: Additionally, the Application Settings associated with the group are also shared to all members of the group.

Types of Users in a Group

Owner - User who created the group. The Group Owner is the only person who can add and remove members to the group.

Member - Member of the group. Can create and view all data within the Group, but can only view the members in the group. Cannot add or remove users within the Group.

Data Flow Diagram

The below diagram shows three inspectors within a group called “Houston”.

  • the iOS user, is the Group Owner

  • the Windows 10 user,, is a Group Member

  • the Android user,, is a Group Member

Step by Step video to create a group

This feature is designed to allow users to share Inspection data.

Prerequisite - To add a member to a Group, the user must first have the CORE Inspection App downloaded and provide their email in the Application Settings -> Support Information.