table of contents
Known Issues
If there is no “Pull”, or “Get”, of the data for 30 minutes, the SAP API’s will timeout when trying to Pull or Push data.
Equipment and RCM needs to be a one-to-one for now.
General Work Process
There are two primary options for the end user with regards to RCM Pull/Push.
To “Pull and edit existing data, once complete, “Push” the data back, committing the data to the tenant.
To create “New” RCM assessments, once complete, “Push” the data back, committing the data to the tenant.
The below describes the general work process.
(tap image to enlarge)
Step 1 - Choose if you’re working with Equipment or Locations
The first selection process is to select if you are working on Equipment or Locations.
Step 1 - Choose RCM in the main menu.
(tap image to enlarge)
Step 2 - Select either Equipment or Location.
Step 3 - You will be presented with the following menu items.
Get Data - Allows you to pull existing Unpublished RCM assessments.
Templates - Allows you to seed a sheet for creating new RCM assessments.
Validation - Highlights any issues with the data prior to saving, or “Pushing” the data, back to the tenant.
Save - Pushes the data to the tenant you are working with.
Step 2 (Option 1) - Work with existing Assessments and “Get Data”
To start manipulating the RCM data, one approach would be to “Pull” the existing RCM assessments from the tenant. From there, you can update the data prior to validating and saving.
Note: This will only pull unpublished RCM Assessment.
Step 1 - To start this process, tap the “Get Data” option.
(tap image to enlarge)
Step 2 - To pull a single assessment, copy and paste (or type), the RCM Assessment name.
Tap “Get Data” when complete and the data will be populated within a sheet of the workbook.
Step 3 - To pull multiple assessments, tap “Look up” and a sheet will be provided to paste, or type, the RCM assessment names..
Tap “Confirm” and the App will pull the data and will be populated within a sheet of the workbook.
Step 4 - The RCM data will be populated within a sheet for manipulation.
Step 3 (Option 2) - Create new Assessments based on the RCM template
The second approach to managing RCM data is to create a “New” assessment. This work process starts slightly different than editing the data associated with an existing RCM assessment.
Step 1 - To start this process, tap the “Templates” option. This will allow you to define which RCM template to seed the new RCM Assessment with.
(tap image to enlarge)
Step 2 - Tap “Assign” and a dialog will appear allowing you to select the RCM template to seed.
Please note the template must already exist within the SAP IAM tenant.
Step 3 - Select the templates you want to work with, tap “Save”
Step 4 - The RCM templates that you selected will now be present as sheets for data entry.
(tap image to enlarge)
Step 4 - Manipulate the RCM Assessment within MS Excel sheet
Whether you are updating existing RCM Assessments (Step 3), or creating new Assessments (Step 4), the process for updating the data in the Excel sheet is the same.
For RCM, most of the available options will be driven via dropdown lists. The lists are defined as part of the RCM, Function, Functional Failure, or Risk and Criticality Template.
If there are errors in the selection process, more than likely the value does not match the dropdown list combination, the user will receive an “Error” in the Status column.
(tap image to enlarge)
Any changed data will appear in yellow, any errors will be red.
if a row has changed, the status of the raw will also be marked in yellow with “Change.”
Step 5 - Validation
There will be realtime feedback to the user, highlighting in red or yellow cells, however there are two additional indicators of invalid data. They are:
1 - Use the “Validation” menu option. Each error will be shown here, tapping the Error will highlight the cell with issues.
2 - If there are any errors on the two within the worksheet, you will see “Error” in the status column.
Step 6 - Save
Saving, or committing, the data back to the tenant involves using the “Save” menu option.
Note: The save process will only apply to rows that do not have an error associated with it.
Once the row of data is committed to the tenant, the term “Saved” will be shown for the row processed.
Note: After the save, it is good practice to look for rows that state “Error”.
Training Tutorial
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