New Feature or Function
Change to Feature or Function
Bugs corrected
CML Publish fails if no attribute group is defined
RBI Mass Criticality where value was null
Saving Inspection Summary with a “/” as a special character
Any known issues the new release may cause
Mechanical Integrity Tab
A new Mechanical Integrity tab was added to the SAP Equipment and Location App.
This allows the user to review all of the SAP Asset Central Foundation data (datasheet, documents, work orders, etc..), but also provide a quick summary of the RBI (Risk Based Inspection), CML (Condition Based Monitoring), and IDMS (Inspection Data Management System) information.
Tap image to zoom
Users get the latest of each template displayed on the first tab, and can see the historical information on the 2nd tab.
Tap Image to zoom->
Tap image to zoom
Users can also tap the event, whether it is a RBI or Inspection even, and the user will be taken to the details of the event.
Tap Image to zoom->
Streamlined Inspection Checklist
Tap image to zoom
Previously, the end user had to select each checklist item and was navigated into a sub form to provide the information. This produced too many clicks.
Tap Image to zoom->
Tap image to zoom
A streamlines single form data entry is now presented. Allowing the user to provide the data and saving as desired vs per checklist item.
Tap Image to zoom->
CML Managed moved to Equipment and Location App
Tap image to zoom
Previously, the user accessed the CML (Condition Monitoring Locations) from two individual applications, CMLs for Equipment and CMLs for Locations.
Tap Image to zoom->
This approach caused additional clicks to manage the CML, because the functionality to navigate to the Equipment or Location was also available in the SAP Equipment and SAP Location App.
Tap image to zoom
We have eliminated this step for the CML Equipment and CML for Locations App. The user can now manage the CMLs against either the SAP Equipment or Location App. The CML tab is accessible next to the Mechanical Integrity tab.
Tap Image to zoom->
Equipment and Location App not shown
Description: After the upgrade, the SAP Equipment and/or SAP Location App no longer shows in the Fiori launchpad.
Cause: If users have customized their “Master Data” group by changing the order of the tiles, renaming, etc…causes the new Equipment and Location app not to show.
Tap image to zoom
Tap image to zoom
Tap your Avatar in the upper right corner of the Fiori Launch Pad
Tap “Edit Home Page”
In the “Master Data” section, tap “Reset” then tap “Close”
Problem should be resolved.